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“My bike was stolen and BackPedal recovered it within 2 hours. It’s an AMAZING service and I can’t recommend it enough. I’m sure it will become the norm for bike insurance”

5* Trustpilot

Does your bike have a GPS tracker?

“I had the misfortune of getting my bike stolen and would never have got it back if it weren’t for BackPedal… I can’t recommend it highly enough”

5* Trustpilot

What tracker does your bike have?

“Great customer service from people who actually telephoned to dot the i’s and cross the t’s”

5* Trustpilot

Where does the bike call home?


of bikes protected by BackPedal are recovered and returned to their owners

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78% of cyclists have been a victim of bike theft

A bike is stolen in the UK every 3 minutes

Half of bikes stolen were left locked up